1. What are the reasons for my pool being cloudy?
There are many reasons that can cause cloudy pool water:
* Low sanitizer level
* Combined chlorine - free chlorine combines with contaminants, becomes used up and has very little sanitizing abilities.
* Insufficient filtration - caused by too small of a filter or insufficient hours of filtration.
* Dirty filter - as dirt accumulates in the filter media, water flow is restricted.
* High pH/total alkalinity - reduces the sanitizing action of chlorine.
*Treatment: Shock the pool to increase chlorine residual and oxidize contaminants. Adjust the pH to 7.4-7.6. Chemically cleaning the filter may help to resolve the problem. If your water chemistry seems to be good, but the water is a little hazy, try using a clarifier.
2. Why is my water green?
Pool water can be green for a couple of reasons:
* Algae - Algae growing in the pool and on the sides of the walls can cause the water to be green and typically consumes chlorine. Brush the walls of the pool and vacuum; add algaccide and shock.
* Source Water - If chlorine levels are high, another cause for green water is metals in the source water. When chlorine is added to the pool, it reacts with the metals and causes a green tint. A filter aid can help to remove these metals.
3. What causes staining on my pool?
Staining in the pool can be caused by organic matter that has settled and decomposed on the bottom of the pool. Also, metals from the source water, such as iron or copper, can come out of solution and cause staining on the pool walls and floor. If the stain is caused by organic matter, vacuum up the debris and use the appropriate stain removal product. If the stain is caused by a metal, first filter out the metals and then follow with the appropriate stain removal product. Your local pool care professionals can help you diagnose your particular staining problem and recommend the best method and products to treat it.
4. When should I backwash my filter?
Backwashing, or reversing the water flow through the filter, will help dislodge debris within the filter to help keep it clean. A filter should be backwashed when the reading on the filter’s pressure gauge increases 8-10 psi over its normal reading. You also may note the water pressure returning to the pool; a decrease in pressure is an indication that it is time to backwash.
5. My pool has a strong chlorine smell; do I have too much chlorine in it?
A strong chlorine smell indicates there is too much combined chlorine in your pool and not enough “free chlorine”. Combined chlorine, or chloramines, is the by product of chlorine reacting with contaminants in the water. Chlorine gets a bad rap, but it is actually chloramines that cause the odor and other undesirable side-effects. Shocking will eliminate the chloramines along with its undesirable characteristics.
6. Why do my eyes get irritated in the pool?
Low pH, High pH or too many chloramines in your pool can irritate your eyes. Adjust the pH so it is between 7.4-7.6 and shock the pool to eliminate chloramines.
7. What weekly maintenance is required to take care of my pool?
Weekly maintenance includes adding tabs/sticks to the skimmer or chlorinator to maintain a 1.5 - 3 ppm chlorine residual in the pool. Also, adding a weekly dose of algaecide and shock will help to keep a crystal clear pool. Brushing and vacuuming your pool as part of your weekly maintenance routine will greatly help to keep your pool clean and safe—and save you money.
8. When is the best time to shock my pool?
1. After a hard rain -One of the most important times to shock your pool with chlorine is after a hard rain. Even with properly balanced water, rain water will make your pool susceptible to algae growth due to the debris and bacteria entering your pool. To prevent this from happening, BE SURE to shock your pool after each rain!
2. After a party - Oils from the skin can often dillute the chlorine levels on your water. So, after a large gathering of people in your pool, be sure to shock the water the next day.
3. After plentiful sunlight - The best time to shock your pool is in the evening when the sun has gone down. Shock is unstabalized chlorine that can burn off easily from sunlight, even on overcast days. By shocking at night, the chlorine is able to react with the contaminants rather than being dissipated by sunlight.